※ 단어의 bold 는 강세를 의미한다. 유의어와 뜻은 다음과 네이버 어학사전을 참고하였다.
영단어 | 유의어 | 뜻 |
abase | humiliate, lower, degrade, demean, humble, debase, depreciate, demote | 깎아내리다, (지위 등을) 낮추다; 창피를 주다 |
abash | make ashamed, embarrass, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, mortify, vexed | 당황하게[얼떨떨하게] 하다; 부끄럽게 하다 |
abate | subside, die down/away/out, drop off/away, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease, diminish, moderate | (강도가) 약해지다; (강도를) 약화시키다[줄이다] |
abdicate | give up, resign, abandon, step down, surrender, renounce, relinquish, forgo | [왕위·권한·의무·요구 등을] (정식으로) 포기하다, 버리다 |
aberration | anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression | 일탈; 일탈적인 행동[일] |
abet | assist, aid, help, lend a hand, support, back, encourage | [범죄·나쁜 짓 등을] 부추기다, 교사[선동]하다; [남을] 꼬드겨서 [나쁜 짓을] 저지르게 하다[in ‥] |
abeyance | suspend, adjourn, interrupt, break off, postpone, delay, defer, shelve, arrest | (일시적인) 정지 (상태), 중지, 중단; 미정, 보류 |
abhor | hate, dislike, despise, aversion, scorn, detest, loathe, abominate, execrate | 몹시 싫어하다, 질색[혐오]하다; …을 증오하다 |
abject | wretched, miserable, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, stark, sorry | 1. 극도로 비참한, 절망적인 2. 비굴한 |
abjure | renounce, relinquish, reject, dispense with, forgo, forswear, disavow, abandon | (신념 등을 공식적으로) 포기하다 |
abnegate | renounce, reject, refuse, abandon, spurn, abdicate, give up, relinquish, abjure | [권리·습관·주의 등을] 포기하다, 버리다; …을 거부하다, 퇴짜놓다; [쾌락 등을] 끊다, 자제하다. |
abnegation | renunciation, rejection, refusal, abandonment, abdication, surrender, giving up | 자제, 자기 희생, 포기, 거부, 부정. |
abomination | detestation, loathing, hatred, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repugnance | 혐오[가증]스러운 것 |
aboriginal | native, indigene, aborigine, local, original, inhabitant | 1. 오스트레일리아 원주민의2. 원주민3. 원주민의 |
abortive | useless, unsuccessful, void, vain, futile, unprofitable, fruitless, ineffectual | 성공하지 못한, 실패[무]로 돌아간. 유산의, 사산의; 조산의; 미발달의, 발육 부전의. |
abound | be plentiful, thrive, flourish, be numerous, proliferate, be abundant | 1. 아주 많다2. 풍부하다 |
abrade | cut, wear, skin, grind. Scratch, rub, bark, erode, scrape, graze, wash away | 마멸시키다, [피부 등을] 스쳐 벗기다; [바위 등을] 침식시키다. |
abridge | cut, reduce, contract, brief, decrease, cut down, diminish, condense, shorten | [문장·이야기 등을] 요약[축약]하다 |
abrogate | repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with | (법령·합의 등을) 폐지하다[철폐하다] |
absolve | release, clear, excuse, justify, forgive, tolerate, exempt, pardon, discharge | [남을] [벌·약속·의무 등으로부터] 면제하다, 면책하다, 해제하다[of, from ‥] |
absorb | interested, engaged, keen, curious, intent, fascinated, soaked, preoccupied | 흡수된; 합병된. […에] 열중한[in ‥] |
abstinent | continent, moderate, temperate, stoic, puritanical | 절제하는; 금욕적인. |
abstract | theoretical, conceptual, notional, non-representational, non-realistic | 1. 추상적인2. 추상화3. 개요, 초록(抄錄) |
abstract | extract, draw, pull, remove, separate, withdraw, isolate, pull out | 추출하다, 끌어내다 |
abstruse | deep, complicated, mysterious, profound, abstract | [문제·사상이] 난해한, 파악하기 어려운; 심오한, 심원한. |
abysmal | profound, extreme, utter, complete, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious | 1. 최악의2. 최저의 |
accede | agree to, consent to, accept, assent to, succeed to, assume, attain, come to | (요청·제의 등에) 응하다, (권좌, 특히 왕위에) 오르다 |
accentuate | focus attention on, bring/call/draw attention to, point up, emphasize, stress | 강조[역설]하다; [색채·음성 등을] 강하게 하다, 두드러지게 하다; [얼굴을] 돋보이게 하다 |
access | admission, entry, passage, retrieve, gain, gain access to, acquire, obtain | 1. 입장2. 접속하다3. 접근하다; 들어가다; 이용하다 |
acclaim | credit, celebrate, welcome, praise, approve, approval, cheer, honor, hail | 열렬히 환호[갈채]하여 맞이[격찬]하다 |
accolade | honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift, title, tribute, commendation | 포상, 칭찬 |
accord | give, agree, provide, deal, match, agreement, supply, seliver, grant | 일치[조화]하다(agree), […에] 맞다[with ‥] |
accost | speak to, talk to, call to, shout to, hail, initiate a discussion with | (특히 위협적으로) 다가가 말을 걸다 |
accouterment | trappings, equipment | 장비, (의복의) 장식(trappings); 복장. |
accrue | result, arise, follow, ensue, accumulate, collect, gather, build up | 누적되다, 축적되다, (금전·부채를) 누적하다[축적하다] |
acerbic | keen, acid, biting, satirical | (성질·표현 등이) 과격한, 매서운, 신랄한. |
acidulous | sour | 신맛이 나는 |
acme | top, summit, rest, tip, height, peak, crest, climax, zenith, pinnacle, culmination | [성장·진전·향상 등의] 절정, 정점, 위기, 고비 |
acolyte | assistant, helper, attendant, retainer, servant, minion, underling, lackey | 시종, 조수, (미사의 시중을 드는) 복사 |
acquiesce | permit, consent to, agree to, allow, assent to, give one's consent to, accept | 묵인하다 |
acquisitive | greedy, avid, grasping, voracious, insatiable, miserly, desirous, covetous | 획득하려고 하는, [재산·토지 등을] 얻으려고 하는[of ‥]; 탐욕스러운 |
acquit | clear, free, release, excuse, discharge, absolve, clear, exonerate, exculpate | 무죄를 선고하다, 잘, 잘못 처신하다[(능력을) 발휘하다] |
acrid | harsh, bitter, acid, acute, biting, poignant, pungent, acrimonious, trenchant | (혀·코·눈 등을) 찌르는 듯한, 얼얼한, 신랄한; 매서운 |
acrimonious | bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic, acid, harsh, sharp | 폭언이 오가는, 험악한 |
acronym | - | 두문자어(頭文字語): 예 NATO |
actuate | motivate, stimulate, activate | [남을] 행동하게 하다; [남을] […하도록] 부추기다[to do] |
acumen | astuteness, awareness, shrewdness, acuity, sharpness, sharp-wittedness | (일에 대한) 감각. 총명함, 날카로운 관찰력, 통찰력 |
acute | great, smart, strong, critical, serious, severe, dangerous, sensitive, excessive | 끝이 날카로운, 예리한, 중대한, 매우 심각한, 급성의, 예각의 |
adage | saying, maxim, axiom, proverb, aphorism, saw, dictum, precept, epigram | 속담, 격언 |
adamant | hard, firm, severe, determined, strict, harsh, stern, resolute, steadfast | 비길 데 없이 견고한 것, 요지부동의, 단호한 |
addendum | appendix, codicil, postscript, afterword, tailpiece, rider, coda, supplement | (특히 책의) 부록 |
address | location, speech, talk, lecture, discourse, inscription, label | 인사말, (특히 공식석상의) 연설, 주소, 솜씨 빠름, 신속함, 구혼, 구애 |
address | talk to, give a talk to, greet, hail, salute, take aim at, attend to, tackle | (정중하게) 말을 걸다, 연설하다, […에게] 말하다, […에게] 신청하다, 겉봉[주소]을 쓰다, 맡기다, 위탁하다, 본격적으로 착수하다, 수작을 걸다 |
adduce | give, cite | […의 증거로서] 제출[제시]하다[as, for ‥]; …을 (적절한, 결정적인 것으로서) 인용[인증(引證)]하다(cite) |
adherent | adhesive, sticky, sticking, adhering, clinging, fan, supporter, follower | (정당·사상 등의) 지지자, 점착하는, 점착성의; 부착해 있는. |
adjourn | end, close, finish, delay, conclude, suspend, cease, interrupt, postpone, defer | 연기하다; 휴회시키다, 회의가 연기되다, 휴회되다 |
adjunct | supplement, addition, accompaniment, complement, companion, extra, add-on | 부가사, 부사류, 부속물, 부가물 |
adjure | command, urge, beg, beseech, entreat, importunate | [남에게] […하도록] 명하다, 엄명하다[to do, that절]. 간청[탄원]하다, 열심히 부탁하다 |
ad-lib | ad libitum | 애드 리브, 즉흥적인 노래[대사, 연주]. 즉흥적으로 |
admonish | reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, advise, recommend, urge, caution | 꾸짖다, 책망하다, (강력히) 충고하다 |
adroit | smart, expert, bright, diplomatic, sensitive, sharp clever, intelligent, delicate | 손재주가 있는. 잘하는, 능숙한[in, at ‥]; 기민한 |
adulation | hero-worship, worship, admiration, admiring, high regard, respect, lionization | 과찬, 지나친 칭찬 |
adulterate | lower, corrupt, degrade, alloy, debase | […을] 섞다, …의 품질을 […으로] 떨어뜨리다, …을 […으로] 불순하게 하다[with ‥], 불순물을 섞은; 진짜가 아닌. |
adumbrate | suggest, hint, shadow, sketch, outline | 개요를[개략적으로] 알려주다, 어둡게 하다, 가리다 |
advent | arrival, appearance, emergence, materialization, surfacing, occurrence, dawn | 도래, 출현 |
adventitious | casual, contingent, accidental, inadvertent, incidental, haphazard, fortuitous | 우연한, 우발적인; 외래의 |
adverse | harmful, damaging, unfavourable, hostile, disadvantageous, inauspicious | 부정적인, 불리한, 반대하는 |
advocate | back, help, support, promote, further, offer, bear, push, aid, urge, suggest | 변호하다; 지지하다, 옹호하다; 지지자, 옹호자, 대변자 |
aesthetic | decorative, ornamental, graceful, elegant, exquisite, beautiful, attractive, pleasing | 심미적, 미학적, 미적 특질, 미학 |
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