
영단어 모음 (ab~ae)

Retyper 2022. 7. 31. 16:19

사진1. 영어 단어를 외워보자


※ 단어의 bold 는 강세를 의미한다. 유의어와 뜻은 다음과 네이버 어학사전을 참고하였다.

영단어 유의어
abase humiliate, lower, degrade, demean, humble, debase, depreciate, demote 깎아내리다, (지위 등을) 낮추다; 창피를 주다
abash make ashamed, embarrass, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, mortify, vexed 당황하게[얼떨떨하게] 하다; 부끄럽게 하다
abate subside, die down/away/out, drop off/away, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease, diminish, moderate (강도가) 약해지다; (강도를) 약화시키다[줄이다]
abdicate give up, resign, abandon, step down, surrender, renounce, relinquish, forgo [왕위·권한·의무·요구 등을] (정식으로) 포기하다, 버리다
aberration anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression 일탈; 일탈적인 행동[일]
abet assist, aid, help, lend a hand, support, back, encourage [범죄·나쁜 짓 등을] 부추기다, 교사[선동]하다; [남을] 꼬드겨서 [나쁜 짓을] 저지르게 하다[in ‥]
abeyance suspend, adjourn, interrupt, break off, postpone, delay, defer, shelve, arrest (일시적인) 정지 (상태), 중지, 중단; 미정, 보류
abhor hate, dislike, despise, aversion, scorn, detest, loathe, abominate, execrate 몹시 싫어하다, 질색[혐오]하다; …을 증오하다
abject wretched, miserable, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, stark, sorry 1. 극도로 비참한, 절망적인 2. 비굴한
abjure renounce, relinquish, reject, dispense with, forgo, forswear, disavow, abandon (신념 등을 공식적으로) 포기하다
abnegate renounce, reject, refuse, abandon, spurn, abdicate, give up, relinquish, abjure [권리·습관·주의 등을] 포기하다, 버리다; …을 거부하다, 퇴짜놓다; [쾌락 등을] 끊다, 자제하다.
abnegation renunciation, rejection, refusal, abandonment, abdication, surrender, giving up 자제, 자기 희생, 포기, 거부, 부정.
abomination detestation, loathing, hatred, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repugnance 혐오[가증]스러운 것
aboriginal native, indigene, aborigine, local, original, inhabitant 1. 오스트레일리아 원주민의2. 원주민3. 원주민의
abortive useless, unsuccessful, void, vain, futile, unprofitable, fruitless, ineffectual 성공하지 못한, 실패[무]로 돌아간. 유산의, 사산의; 조산의; 미발달의, 발육 부전의.
abound be plentiful, thrive, flourish, be numerous, proliferate, be abundant 1. 아주 많다2. 풍부하다
abrade cut, wear, skin, grind. Scratch, rub, bark, erode, scrape, graze, wash away 마멸시키다, [피부 등을] 스쳐 벗기다; [바위 등을] 침식시키다.
abridge cut, reduce, contract, brief, decrease, cut down, diminish, condense, shorten [문장·이야기 등을] 요약[축약]하다
abrogate repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with (법령·합의 등을) 폐지하다[철폐하다]
absolve release, clear, excuse, justify, forgive, tolerate, exempt, pardon, discharge [남을] [벌·약속·의무 등으로부터] 면제하다, 면책하다, 해제하다[of, from ‥]
absorb interested, engaged, keen, curious, intent, fascinated, soaked, preoccupied 흡수된; 합병된.  […에] 열중한[in ]
abstinent continent, moderate, temperate, stoic, puritanical 절제하는; 금욕적인.
abstract theoretical, conceptual, notional, non-representational, non-realistic 1. 추상적인2. 추상화3. 개요, 초록(抄錄)
abstract extract, draw, pull, remove, separate, withdraw, isolate, pull out 추출하다, 끌어내다
abstruse deep, complicated, mysterious, profound, abstract [문제·사상이] 난해한, 파악하기 어려운; 심오한, 심원한.
abysmal profound, extreme, utter, complete, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious 1. 최악의2. 최저의
accede agree to, consent to, accept, assent to, succeed to, assume, attain, come to (요청·제의 등에) 응하다, (권좌, 특히 왕위에) 오르다
accentuate focus attention on, bring/call/draw attention to, point up, emphasize, stress 강조[역설]하다; [색채·음성 등을] 강하게 하다, 두드러지게 하다; [얼굴을] 돋보이게 하다
access admission, entry, passage, retrieve, gain, gain access to, acquire, obtain 1. 입장2. 접속하다3. 접근하다; 들어가다; 이용하다
acclaim credit, celebrate, welcome, praise, approve, approval, cheer, honor, hail 열렬히 환호[갈채]하여 맞이[격찬]하다
accolade honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift, title, tribute, commendation 포상, 칭찬
accord give, agree, provide, deal, match, agreement, supply, seliver, grant 일치[조화]하다(agree), […에] 맞다[with ]
accost speak to, talk to, call to, shout to, hail, initiate a discussion with (특히 위협적으로) 다가가 말을 걸다
accouterment trappings, equipment 장비, (의복의) 장식(trappings); 복장.
accrue result, arise, follow, ensue, accumulate, collect, gather, build up 누적되다, 축적되다, (금전·부채를) 누적하다[축적하다]
acerbic keen, acid, biting, satirical (성질·표현 등이과격한매서운신랄한.
acidulous sour 신맛이 나는
acme top, summit, rest, tip, height, peak, crest, climax, zenith, pinnacle, culmination [성장·진전·향상 등의] 절정, 정점, 위기, 고비
acolyte assistant, helper, attendant, retainer, servant, minion, underling, lackey 시종, 조수, (미사의 시중을 드는) 복사
acquiesce permit, consent to, agree to, allow, assent to, give one's consent to, accept 묵인하다
acquisitive greedy, avid, grasping, voracious, insatiable, miserly, desirous, covetous 획득하려고 하는, [재산·토지 등을] 얻으려고 하는[of ]; 탐욕스러운
acquit clear, free, release, excuse, discharge, absolve, clear, exonerate, exculpate 무죄를 선고하다, , 잘못 처신하다[(능력을) 발휘하다]
acrid harsh, bitter, acid, acute, biting, poignant,  pungent, acrimonious, trenchant (혀·코·눈 등을) 찌르는 듯한, 얼얼한, 신랄한; 매서운
acrimonious bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic, acid, harsh, sharp 폭언이 오가는, 험악한
acronym - 두문자어(頭文字語): NATO
actuate motivate, stimulate, activate [남을] 행동하게 하다; [남을] […하도록] 부추기다[to do]
acumen astuteness, awareness, shrewdness, acuity, sharpness, sharp-wittedness (일에 대한) 감각.  총명함, 날카로운 관찰력, 통찰력
acute great, smart, strong, critical, serious, severe, dangerous, sensitive, excessive 끝이 날카로운, 예리한, 중대한, 매우 심각한, 급성의, 예각의
adage saying, maxim, axiom, proverb, aphorism, saw, dictum, precept, epigram 속담, 격언
adamant hard, firm, severe, determined, strict, harsh, stern, resolute, steadfast 비길 데 없이 견고한 것, 요지부동의, 단호한
addendum appendix, codicil, postscript, afterword, tailpiece, rider, coda, supplement (특히 책의) 부록
address location, speech, talk, lecture, discourse, inscription, label 인사말, (특히 공식석상의) 연설, 주소, 솜씨 빠름, 신속함, 구혼, 구애
address talk to, give a talk to, greet, hail, salute, take aim at, attend to, tackle (정중하게) 말을 걸다, 연설하다, […에게] 말하다, […에게] 신청하다, 겉봉[주소]을 쓰다, 맡기다, 위탁하다, 본격적으로 착수하다, 수작을 걸다
adduce give, cite […의 증거로서] 제출[제시]하다[as, for ]; …을 (적절한, 결정적인 것으로서) 인용[인증(引證)]하다(cite)
adherent adhesive, sticky, sticking, adhering, clinging, fan, supporter, follower (정당·사상 등의) 지지자, 점착하는, 점착성의; 부착해 있는.
adjourn end, close, finish, delay, conclude, suspend, cease, interrupt, postpone, defer 연기하다; 휴회시키다, 회의가 연기되다, 휴회되다
adjunct supplement, addition, accompaniment, complement, companion, extra, add-on 부가사, 부사류, 부속물, 부가물
adjure command, urge, beg, beseech, entreat, importunate [남에게] […하도록] 명하다, 엄명하다[to do, that]. 간청[탄원]하다, 열심히 부탁하다
ad-lib ad libitum 애드 리브, 즉흥적인 노래[대사, 연주]. 즉흥적으로
admonish reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, advise, recommend, urge, caution 꾸짖다, 책망하다, (강력히) 충고하다
adroit smart, expert, bright, diplomatic, sensitive, sharp clever, intelligent, delicate 손재주가 있는. 잘하는, 능숙한[in, at ]; 기민한
adulation hero-worship, worship, admiration, admiring, high regard, respect, lionization 과찬, 지나친 칭찬
adulterate lower, corrupt, degrade, alloy, debase […을] 섞다, …의 품질을 […으로] 떨어뜨리다, …을 […으로] 불순하게 하다[with ], 불순물을 섞은; 진짜가 아닌.
adumbrate suggest, hint, shadow, sketch, outline 개요를[개략적으로] 알려주다, 어둡게 하다, 가리다
advent arrival, appearance, emergence, materialization, surfacing, occurrence, dawn 도래, 출현
adventitious casual, contingent, accidental, inadvertent, incidental, haphazard, fortuitous 우연한, 우발적인; 외래의
adverse harmful, damaging, unfavourable, hostile, disadvantageous, inauspicious 부정적인, 불리한, 반대하는
advocate back, help, support, promote, further, offer, bear, push, aid, urge, suggest 변호하다; 지지하다, 옹호하다; 지지자, 옹호자, 대변자
aesthetic decorative, ornamental, graceful, elegant, exquisite, beautiful, attractive, pleasing 심미적, 미학적, 미적 특질, 미학



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